Monday, April 30, 2012

Press release describing peacemaking and brain function connection:

Friday, April 27, 2012

Vote for peace with a "like" on my fan page!

I will be interviewed by Edie Summers, wholistic coach 4pm today on Blog Talk radio about Elusive Peace. Join the conversation direction

The path to peace takes work, are you in?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

We are hard wired for love. So tonight on the Doug Noll Show a peacemaker interviews an expert on multi-cultural love and marriage Wendy Williams author of The Globalisation of Love 7pm 888-327-0061

My guest on this edition of The Doug Noll Show is Wendy Williams. Wendy is the author of The Globalisation of Love, a book about multicultural romance and marriage. Wendy has lived in six different countries and worked internationally for 18 years. She is Canadian and has been married to an Austrian for thirteen years. They live in Vienna, Austria with their daughter. Wendy has a Bachelor's degree from Canada, a Master’s degree from Switzerland and a Doctorate from Austria. The Globalisation of Love was published on November 13th, 2011, Wendy's 13th wedding anniversary. Her website
Thursday's 7pm 888-327-0061

My guest on this edition of The Doug Noll Show is Wendy Williams. Wendy is the author of The Globalisation of Love, a book about multicultural romance and marriage. Wendy has lived in six different countries and worked internationally for 18 years. She is Canadian and has been married to an Austrian for thirteen years. They live in Vienna, Austria with their daughter. Wendy has a Bachelor's degree from Canada, a Master’s degree from Switzerland and a Doctorate from Austria. The Globalisation of Love was published on November 13th, 2011, Wendy's 13th wedding anniversary. Her website is
The Doug Noll Show 7pm 888-327-0061

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Have you joined the community committed to Peace and doing something about it?

While studying peacemaking I had insights about why peace efforts fail & how peace is possible. These insights are revealed in Elusive Peace.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Check out latest blog in Daily Klos:

I'm looking forward to presenting at the NWDR conference May 4 and a talk at East West Book Shop in Seattle May 5. Hope to see you there!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Giving a book talk and signing May 5 at East West Book Shop Seattle 7pm. Come and learn that peace is possible.

Looking forward to speaking at the NW Dispute Resolution Conference NWDR. May 4


Friday, April 20, 2012

Have you become a fan at Douglas Noll yet. Please like as your committment to creating a world of peace and a forum for our voices

As countries continue escalation of military spending and aggressive weapon building and acquisition read Eusive Peace and learn active solutions for world peace.

It is time for the people to fight our own apathy and advocate for a new way to resolve conflict. Elusive Peace teaches the time is Now to arm ourselves with knowledge. Step up to the plate, read Elusive Peace

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Listen in. Let's talk missles and CIA. The Doug Noll Show 7pm 888-327-0061
Tonight I interview Art Keller, author of Hollow Strength, a former CIA case officer who served in the unit responsible for spying on, and sabotaging Weapons of Mass Destruction programs. He also worked terrorism cases, and his last assignment was as an acting Chief of Base in the tribal areas of Pakistan (Waziristan) hunting for Al Qaeda.

There is no better time for the world to listen to peacemakers for advice, strategies and diplomats to learn skills for peace.

Tonight on The Doug Noll Show I interview Art Keller, author of Hollow Strength. Art is a former CIA case officer who served in the unit responsible for spying on, and sabotaging Weapons of Mass Destruction programs. He also worked terrorism cases, and his last assignment was as an acting Chief of Base in the tribal areas of Pakistan (Waziristan) hunting for Al Qaeda. 7pm 888-327-0061

Student punched by bully and paralyzed gets settlement. The argument was that schools have policies against bullying but don't know how to enforce those policies. Peacemakers offer solutions.

Please "like" my fan page. Starting May 1 we are givng away books to fans

We wean our kids on the Myth of Redemptive Violence through fairy tales and then expect them to play nice in school.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Hunger Games or Bully: Which movie will kids choose to go to? Probably not the one that sends the right message. The Hunger Games perpetuates violence.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It is no wonder that bullying is so pervasive with popular media glorifying violence (The Hunger Games) as a solution to solve problems or end conflict.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Punishment for bullying breeds more violence. Kids need to be taught skills & given confidential council. Teach peace if you want peace.

If we want to teach our children to be peacemakers we fail when we perpetuate the bad guy vs good guy myth as a way to peace. Read my recent blog on why our kids should not see the Hunger Games. I am committed to teaching peace principles and end bullying in schools.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Talking about peace in the Balkans on The Doug Noll Show 7 pm PT. Call in your questions 888-327-0061

Tune in tonight to the Doug Noll show for an interview with Frances Tapon as we discuss peace, conflict and the Balkans.
The Doug Noll Radio Show
Thursday 7pm 888-327-0061

Tonight on the Doug Noll Radio Show I interview Frances Tapon. We will discuss peace and conflict in one of the most troubled areas in the world The Balkins.
The Doug Noll Radio Show
Thursday 7pm 888-327-0061

I'm on the Law of Distraction and Interruption radio show interviewed now. Listen in

The Documentary the Bully debuts in theatres soon, not too soon to teach kids how to resolve conflict

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bullying is not going away. We need to teach kids how to resolve conflict. Skills can be taught and learned.

Monday, April 9, 2012

As the political candidates use fear to politicize peace and conflict, remember that peace is possible with skill, and modern diplomatic strategy. Read this before you vote!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

My guest tonight is Dr. Amy Zalman talking about strategic narratives in foreign policy. 7 pm PDT Join us 888-327-0061

Join me for the Doug Noll Show as I interview Amy Zalman Ph.D, tonight. We will be learning her theories about how peace can be achieved through communication, beyond listening, beyond words, getting to understanding, empathy, and historic knowledge to help bridge US and Middle East relations.
The Doug Noll Radio Show
Thursday 7pm 888-327-0061

Tonight on the Doug Noll Show I interview Amy Zalman, Ph.D, author of policy paper Countering Violent Extremism: Beyond Words. Amy will discuss strategic narrative, and works to support culturally astute communication between US and the Middle East. She has presented testimonies to the US Congress and NATO
The Doug Noll Radio Show
Thursday 7pm 888-327-0061

Bringing on business partners and mergers can be complicated. Noll Associates offers strategic facilitation:

Wanting a peaceful life is one thing, doing something about it makes a difference. Have you become a fan?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

On Conversations Live now with Cyrus Webb Radio discussing my book Elusive Peace:

Monday, April 2, 2012

Tuesday April 3rd I will be guests on three radio shows. Cyrus Webb Radio, Fran Lewis Radio and Patty Porter interviews me about Elusive Peace and Prison of Peace