Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Prevent the Next Genocide and Civil War in Libya by Following International Peace Consultant and author Douglas E. Noll
Fresno, Ca…………………International Peace Consultant and author Douglas E. Noll has developed procedural and preventative measures for Libya to avoid genocide and civil war. “The Libyan people must put together a new form of self-governance, rebuild their infrastructure, create jobs, and provide basic services as quickly as possible. This is the turning point. If these steps are not taken in a timely manner, bedlam is sure to follow. Chaos will slip in when leadership leaves a void unless strategic key steps are taken. This is an urgent warning,” Noll explains.

Without major efforts spurred by U.S. leadership, the Libyan revolt would not have succeeded. Authorizing assistance to ‘prevent a humanitarian catastrophe’ President Barack Obama committed millions of dollars in military exercises through NATO to assist rebels in overthrowing Libyan dictator Gadhafi.

“Helping and then standing by hoping is not a responsible U.S. or allied strategy,” Noll says. “Libya’s infrastructure was destroyed by the rebellion. Rebuilding and creating jobs is the first step to establishing stability and preventing corruption. With thousands of tribesmen now armed with AK-47’s, rocket propelled grenades and other weaponry, a rebellion is predictable unless a team of experts teach, talk and train the new Libyan leaders to develop their new vision.”

Author of Elusive Peace-How Modern Diplomatic Strategies could Better Resolve World Conflicts, host of the Doug Noll Show, and an internationally recognized mediator and peace advocate, Noll has created a preventative strategy to safeguard Libya from falling victim to genocide and civil war. “Genocide and civil war are predictable to an area that has been torn apart by rebellion and revolution.”

Noll’s blueprint for Libya’s success includes a team of international experts, mediators and conflict resolution professionals to teach, train, design and help implement an inclusive dialogue process. “These talks must cut across tribal, gender, generational, ethnic, economic, and political lines. For hope to prevail for the Libyan people, they must voice their aspirations, goals, and desires for a new Libya. This is the ongoing ‘prevention of a humanitarian catastrophe’ Obama should still be reiterating, so we don’t have another Somalia on our hands in the future,” Noll says.

After a successful 22 year trial career, Douglas E. Noll found litigation to be a wasteful way to resolve conflicts, and earned his Masters Degree in Peacemaking and Conflict Studies. Noll is a nationally recognized mediator, international peace advocate and speaker. He hosts The Doug Noll Show, a weekly radio program dedicated to giving a voice to international peacemakers. His current pro bono project is training murderers committed to life sentences in the largest women’s prison in the world to become peacemakers and mediators. Noll is interviewed by columnists, journalists, radio hosts for his advice and commentary on world events as they relate to conflict and resolution.

Noll was recently selected from a worldwide search as one of 194 mediators to be included in the International Who’s Who of Commercial Mediation.

Noll is a Distinguished Fellow of the International Academy of Mediators, a Distinguished Fellow of the American College of Civil Trial Mediators and on the American Arbitration Association panel of mediators and arbitrators. Doug was one of the first U.S. mediators certified under the international mediator standards established by the International Mediation Institute based in The Hague, Netherlands.

He is an author of the books Elusive Peace: How Modern Diplomatic Strategies Could Better Resolve World Conflicts (Prometheus, Spring 2011), Sex, Politics & Religion at the Office: The New Competitive Advantage (Auberry Press 2006), with John Boogaert, and Peacemaking: Practicing at the Intersection of Law and Human Conflict (Cascadia Publishing House 2002), and numerous chapters and articles on peacemaking, restorative justice, conflict resolution and mediation. He is a sought after mediator trainer, lecturer, speaker, and continuing education teacher. Doug has been recognized as one of the Best Lawyers in America by U.S. News & World Report and is a Northern California Super Lawyer in Alternative Dispute Resolution. He has mediated over 1,500 conflicts, including business disputes, clergy sexual abuse cases, victim-offender criminal cases, and large litigated cases. His particular interest is in deep, intractable conflicts where emotions are running high.

As Noll became interested in international mediation efforts Noll observed that international mediators, for the most part, were inexperienced in the science and art of mediation. Their rookie mistakes were making things worse, often leading to genocide or further war. Unfortunately, political leaders, diplomats, special envoys, and retired generals are often appointed to a job for which they are not trained nor have sufficient aptitude. Elusive Peace shows why we can no longer afford to allow political, diplomatic, and military leaders mediate peace accords. They simply don’t know what they are doing. For more information visit www.elusivepeace.com. For media inquiries contact Diane Dennis, http://ping.fm/wrhXP at 503-678-1356.


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