Thursday, March 29, 2012

Talking about human nature and war with Paul Chappell right now on The Doug Noll Show at Join us at 888-327-0061

If you like peace, listen to The Doug Noll Show at right now. Amazing interview with Paul Chappell.

In an hour tune in to the Doug Noll Radio show for my interview with Paul Chappell a West Point Grad, author of three books, and a soldier turned peacemaker. Paul's story is riveting and inspirational.
The Doug Noll Radio Show
Thursday 7pm 888-327-0061

Tune in tonight to the Doug Noll Radio show. My guest is Paul Chappel, author of Peaceful Revolution, The End of War and Will War Ever End. Paul is a west point grad, a military captain, and is committed to peace speaking tireleslly around the country as a voice of peace through the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.

The Doug Noll Radio Show
Thursday 7pm 888-327-0061

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pain and suffering around the world is the result of poor & outdated peacemaking strategies. Read my book for a how to so we can live in peace and harmony

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hope you can listen in as I'm interviewed by Fran Lewis Tuesday April 3, 1pm PST for my book Elusive Peace, winning the International Peace & Justice Book award, and the CLAY award for Prison of Peace.

Achieving peace takes skills that I teach in my book Elusive Peace.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Dynamics of Conflict are all the same. We give more attention to the biger ones than smaller conflicts. More about this can be found in my book Elusive Peace.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

As you move away from politically charged radio shows, you send a clear message that you choose peace and civil discussions.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Thrilled to receive the CLAY award for our--Laurel Kaufer pro bono project Prison of Peace, teaching female inmates peacemaking skills.

Every small step in the right direction is a sign that we are ready to learn without conflict, and that consensus can be reached without vitriol.

It is our right to want peace, it is our responsibility to do something about it. For your resources on peace visit and

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The more money we spend in the name of peace, the more conflict persists and grows. Find out why in my book, Elusive Peace. Now is the time to shift into intelligent, modern strategies that will achieve our goals of peace.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Coming up in an hour my live radio interview with
Daniel Wager a country risk analyst who advises Fortune 1000 companies on the risks of doing business in various countries. He has a unique insight into the politics and economics of international conflict. The Doug Noll Radio Show
Thursday 7pm 888-327-0061

Tune in tonight for a live interview with
Daniel Wager, a country risk analyst who advises Fortune 1000 companies on the risks of doing business in various countries. He has a unique insight into the politics and economics of international conflict. The Doug Noll Radio Show
Thursday 7pm 888-327-0061

Tonight, live on radio I interview Daniel Wager a country risk analyst who advises Fortune 1000 companies on the risks of doing business in various countries. He has a unique insight into the politics and economics of international conflict. The Doug Noll Radio Show
Thursday 7pm 888-327-0061

My book Elusive Peace is available on Kindle. If you haven't read it yet, here is a quick link. And thanks for all those helping the book move up the ranks on Amazon!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Thank all of you for Liking my Fan page DouglasNoll. For those of you who haven't please do so and get up to the minute reports on how peace is possible and what I am doing about it

A recent Meet the Press show covered the topic of incivility in politics, leading to discourse. Dogma is counterproductive for making decisions that are good. These dynamics can be found in Elusive Peace

Monday, March 12, 2012

Please attend the two events I will be delivering keynote speeches this week about Peace. The Orange County Mediation Conference Friday in Tustin, and Boomerang, a Vision Magazine event in San Diego San Diego. Details in this link:

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Should the U.S. Guarantee Israel's Security Against Iran?

Hi Paul, I think you grasped the nuclear problem. What is missed are the numerous other issues that need to be negotiated with Iran. For example, Iran and Afghanistan share a long border. Iran's involvement in the discussions with the Pashtun Taliban will be essential to US interests in drawing down forces. Iran does not sell oil to the US, but Japan buys almost all of its oil from Iran. Thus, there are complex economic interdependencies at play here. Iran also borders the Armenian-Azerbaijan region, which is of some strategic importance. Iran is deeply involved in the Syrian civil war supporting the al Assad regime. Iran and Turkey are not getting along too well right now and they are neighbors. Iran has undue influence in Iraq as a result of the US overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Say what you will about Saddam, he was a counterbalance against Iran. Now Iran has persuasive influence over the majority Shia controlling Iraq. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, all Sunni-controlled are highly suspicious of their Persian (non-Arabic) neighbor, which has persisted for thousands of years. All of these elements raise potential issues for discussion and negotiation that do not involve the nuclear issue directly. Direct talks between the US and Iran could begin to build some kind of rapport and communication from which there could be an entry into discussions about Iran's nuclear program.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Join young peacemaker Zach Ulrich with me on The Doug Noll Show right now. 888-327-0061 call in line

Join me on The Doug Noll Show 7 pm PT as I interview a young peacemaker Zach Ulrich

Tonight at 7 I'm talking about the making of a young peacemaker on the Doug Noll Radio show. With me live is my guest Zach Ulrich who is simultaneously pursuing his law degree, a Master’s degree in dispute resolution, and a Master’s degree in psychology from Pepperdine University.
The Doug Noll Radio Show
Thursday 7pm 888-327-0061

Tonight, 7pm on the Doug Noll Radio show: “The Making of a Young Peacemaker.” I interview Zach Ulrich who is simultaneously pursuing his law degree, a Master’s degree in dispute resolution, and a Master’s degree in psychology from Pepperdine University.
Radio Show
Thursday 7pm 888-327-0061

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I hope to see you at the next two events I will be delivering keynotes for. OC Mediation Conference March 16 and Boomerang Spring Event March 17

Monday, March 5, 2012

Vision Magazine interviewed me about peacemaking and their upcoming event March 17th that I will be speaking at:

Please join me at the Orange County Mediation Conference March 16th. I am the keynote speaker talking about Peacemaking. For details visit

Where there is conflict on the battlefield there will be innocent victims

I have a new Fan page, that I hope you will "like" facebook/DouglasNoll. I will have updated information about speaking engagements, information about peace internationally, domestically, and offer peacemaking advice.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Creating conflict by polarizing:

Caustic radio hosts polarize, offend, bully, and create conflict re: Rush Limbaugh's derogatory name calling to woman supporting policy on insurance coverage for contraception.

Read my latest blog on mediating Syria @

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tune in tonight to my interview with Linda Genet, PhD, director of the Orion Institute, and co author of Science, Wisdom and the Future: Humanity's Quest for a Flourishing Earth. The time is here to have the discussion about our emerging global community! 7pm 877-434-7702

This article features the CLAY award Laurel Kaufer and I won for our Pro Bono project Prison of Peace:

Sen Olympia Snowe (R) Maine, won't run for re-election blaming both parties for political polarization. Washington DC needs peacemaking and mediation.

An apology from Obama about the Quran burning by US troops in Afghanistan is a sign of respect, unfortunately becomes political.

"Isms" are blocks towards peacemaking: facism, fanaticm. How tight are your political candidates holding onto dogma instead of working for the greater good?