Sunday, March 11, 2012

Should the U.S. Guarantee Israel's Security Against Iran?

Hi Paul, I think you grasped the nuclear problem. What is missed are the numerous other issues that need to be negotiated with Iran. For example, Iran and Afghanistan share a long border. Iran's involvement in the discussions with the Pashtun Taliban will be essential to US interests in drawing down forces. Iran does not sell oil to the US, but Japan buys almost all of its oil from Iran. Thus, there are complex economic interdependencies at play here. Iran also borders the Armenian-Azerbaijan region, which is of some strategic importance. Iran is deeply involved in the Syrian civil war supporting the al Assad regime. Iran and Turkey are not getting along too well right now and they are neighbors. Iran has undue influence in Iraq as a result of the US overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Say what you will about Saddam, he was a counterbalance against Iran. Now Iran has persuasive influence over the majority Shia controlling Iraq. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, all Sunni-controlled are highly suspicious of their Persian (non-Arabic) neighbor, which has persisted for thousands of years. All of these elements raise potential issues for discussion and negotiation that do not involve the nuclear issue directly. Direct talks between the US and Iran could begin to build some kind of rapport and communication from which there could be an entry into discussions about Iran's nuclear program.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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